Super Bored
heh.. i'm feeling kindda bored lately. there's nothing much to do around here. if i wanna go shopping, i got no money. if i wanna go gym, not many classes. if i wanna eat, fattening lah. haha.. best thing to do is to sleep at home. hibernate. hehehe...
so far, that's the best thing i've been doing. sleeping. snoring away. tee hee! (shy). the next time i'm gonna save all my money so that when i'm on holidays, i can shop till i drop. even christmas presents i don't enough money. where did all the money go to? oh yah.. food. (shy again). heh..
well, new year's eve is coming soon. as in real soon. gosh! so fast.. time to write down my new year's resolutions. hehe.. i already know one of them - to lose weight! hehehe... that one is a must for next year! i'm already putting on weight. (i think). i've not been pumping for one week. pump once a week then skip. no more muscles. eek! must pump again. time to build back my body. hehehe..
anyways, i'll update my blog after new years. so until then... Happy New Year!!
sophina @ 8:51 AM