I'm quite bored at the moment. Just finished washing the wonderful toilet. Well, I'm just thinking about all the things that I've done in the past, whether it was worth it or not worth it, good or bad, smart or dumb and everything that comes into my mind. Come to think about it, there were so many things that I've gone through and I'm glad that I went through all of it. All of those problems or situations made me a mature person.
Last Sunday, pastor Stephan preached that we tend to worry about everything. Even the smallest thing, we worry. Haha.. no wonder we have so many wrinkles. I worry a lot too. Worry about my studies, my future, the grades, my fitness career, my friends and family, my personal problems (even though I don't have many), and many more. It's so easy to say, "let's not worry and leave all our burdens in God's hands!" It's part of our human nature to worry I guess. But in fact, it is true, the more we worry, the bigger and worser our problems get. It's amazing how God works when you leave everything to Him. God led me to this college. He gave me all my gym classes that I prayed for. He introduced me to the coolest people. He molded everything into place. It's wonderful to know that my whole entire life is in His hands. So don't worry! Smile and say cooly! (I like that word okay Liu Qing!) Hahaha...
Hmmm.. let me see. Who are my friends in college you may ask!? They are the weirdest humans on earth. Of course the don't have green heads with three arms and all lah, but they are weird, in a way. Hehe..
[Liu Qing] - the most random and noisy friend. She likes the Banana song okay! It sounds sooo weird. Haha. And she always dresses up like as if she just came back from a business trip or a conference meeting. Her oh-so-many jackets and thinking she's so cool. Haha.. Love you Liu Qing (I know you love me too).
[Roman] - mister Work It! He is really cute lor. I think I shall knight him as my lil brother. Haha.. And yes, you will become a cool model one day, don't worry!
[Jeremy] - act cute lah?.. is his favorite line. Or act rich lah? Or act something lah? He thinks we're always acting. Haha.. He and Roman are like friends with the whole wide world lor. So popular!
[Rachel] - eh, I knew this gurl for such a long time kay. Like ever since she was a tiny kid running around. Heh.. not that young but still, something like that lah. She can be a runway model but you need more attitude and spice, gurl! Learn from mister Work It. Haha.. (lame).
[Sweet Li] - also another noisy gurl. Sometimes she will be in class and sometimes no, but she gets great marks for her exams. What is your secret ah?
[Lei Ee] - miss Nice. Always doing nice things for people. So sweet of you Lei Ee!
[Hannah] - what more can I say.. she's Hannah!
[Lovey and Gang] - Lovey is super noisy kay. Like a loud speaker lor. Haha.. the whole gang is cool lah. They love to dress up.. very fashionable people. To all the ladies, if you need fashion advice, please call Lovey, Ashley and Kenix.
[Ash] - fast-spoken gurl. She speaks really fast and really funny. "Like that lor.. like this lor.." are her favorite quotes! Hehe..
[Andrew and Gang] - fashion and make-up divas (Andrew is a guy ah.. so not under the "diva" title kay, but he is also fashionable). So people, if you need make-up artists, please call Liza and Cheerish! Rex is a rocker (looks like one).
[Nicson] - Mr Nice Guy. He is really nice and soft. Always helping people.. just like Lei Ee..!
See.. so many weird people! Haha.. they are all cool okay. Cool like the sun and Hot like ice. I know I'm lame so you don't need to tell me. Smile and au revoir earthlings!
i) bluebook
ii) exercise book
iii) extra change of clothes
iv) my nike wrist band
v) my aerobelt
i) rm1
ii) rm1
iii) rm1
iv) rm1
v) my purse
i) Bolster
ii) Hairdryer
iii) My Orange slippers
iv) My hockey stick
v) My mindmap - hahaha..
i) Hi-Lo
ii) Step
iii) Hip Hop
iv) Latin
v) Pump
i) Funzy
ii) Matt
iii) Su Hui
iv) Ah Yuen
v) ...and those who has a blog

My college and friends and I were in The Curve celebrating my b'day on Thursday. We went to Sakae Sushi. Oh goodness me, the soft shell crabs are a MUST! Delicious..! Haha. We had plates after plates after plates and eat and eat and eat! But I still look the same though. Slim and sassy.. Ke ke ke. It was an awesome time spending my b'day with some new friends. We had so much to talk about. It was quite cool because we could clique.

Then today, Sunday, my friends called me out for lunch in the Curve again. We went to 1920s. The food was okay okay. I liked mine and Esther's dish though. Rae's one was okay okay lah. Esther had Carbonara and I had some fish thingy. Rae had fried pizza or that's what I think it is.. I had fun talking about the weirdest thing on the planet. You guys corrupted my innocent lil mind okay! Oh, it was nice to see that we're all still close friends. Some things will never change and I hope it will NEVER change. Friendships are worthwhile if you know how to treasure them.
All in all, I have to say that I had a great time meeting up with my old friends and new friends. To the OLD friends, thanks for the many years of friendship. You guys rock my socks off!
To my new friends, it was nice to get to know you. I hope that we'll have fun throughout our college years together.
Au Revoir people!
This week is suppose to be a midterm break for mass comm students, but it doesn't feel like one. Hmm.. why? It's not really because of the assignments or anything. I mean of course we have loads of assignments due the following week, but I think it's because my mind is not relaxed. There are too many things on my mind. I have to choreograph a dance for Father's day, choreograph steps for my classes, do my assignments and study hard for my finals.
Woosh ~ ! I'll be glad once my Finals are over. All these presentations and assignments are getting boring. At first it seemed fun and exciting, since we're all in college. But now, it's kind of draggy and boring. Heh.. oh well, it's only for 3 more years. Then I'll be a working adult! Gosh!
The worse part of group assignments is that we have small conflicts or problems here and there. I think it's quite unecessary. But hearing from SOME of my working adult friends, working in any company is the same too. You will have conflicts, disagreements and problems everytime. I can't imagine that! Good thing I'm in the Fitness industry. *Phew*
Don't worry, I'll have my own problems too. Problems like trying to get an increment. Dush Dush! Heh..
Haih.. this whole week has been an awful week for me. I'm not in the mood to do anything. Although I sound and look like a very happy person this week, guess again - I'm not!
I hope that everything will be better next week. Cheerios!